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Dorota Lączak
Python Software Engineer at IBM
Dorota Lączak is a Software Engineer with 2 years of experience testing and developing on IBM Watson Machine Learning AutoAI components. She is enthusiastic about Python and Data Science topics.
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Paweł Kamiński
Software Engineer in Platform at Casumo
For the last couple of years, I’ve been working on a real-time bidding platform which introduces many architectural, scale and performance-related problems. Even though I…

Bartosz Siwiński
Data Engineer at VirtusLab
Python developer on a continuous quest to learn new technologies. Previously, industrial controllers programmer and a test engineer in embedded. Passionate about Industrial Automation, Data…

Oleh Dokuka
Principal Software Developer/Developer Advocate at Netifi
Mainly Java Software Engineer / Consultant focused on distributed systems development adopting ReactiveManifesto and ReactiveProgramming techniques. Open Source geek, the active contributor of ProjectReactor/RSocket/Reactive-GRPC. Along…

Bartłomiej Płotka
Principal Engineer at Red Hat
Bartek Plotka is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat with a background in SRE, currently working on Observability. As the co-author of the CNCF…