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Tomasz Lichoń
Big Data Engineer at VirtusLab
Tomasz Lichoń is big data engineer and team leader at VirtusLab, in where he’s involved in building data lake and data processing pipelines using Hadoop related technologies. Prior to that, he was focusing on open source scientific projects, being one of the main contributors to onedata initiative that aims to revolutionize access to scientific data, and helping to improve software for simulating LHC beam collisions at Cern. He obtained his M.Sc. and started Ph.D. studies at AGH University of Science and Technology. His personal interests include football, AI, psychology and good beer.
Talks by Tomasz Lichoń
Speakers related by area of interest

Rui Vieira
Software Engineer at Red Hat
Rui is a Software Engineer at Red Hat working on Data Science, Apache Spark and Spark Streaming applications.

Zbyszek Królikowski
Machine Learning Engineer at VirtusLab
Zbigniew is a Software Development Engineer at VirtusLab. He works on bringing ML recommendations and re-ranking models onto production, both in private and public clouds.

Tomasz Wesołowski
Co-founder and CEO of
He spent last 15 years in the internet-industry as a entrepreneur, advisor, and board member of several companies. Founder and managing director of one of…

Michał Jakóbczyk
Software Engineering Director at Airhelp
Primarily I'm a Software Engineer. For last fifteen years doing Big Data, data analysis, machine learning, product and project management. For last several years focused…