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All contributors
Michał Michalczuk
Senior Software Engineer at Spartez / IT Trainer at infoShare Academy
Full-Stack Software Developer, IT trainer at infoShare Academy, if there is a need – Scrum Master, Architect and Team Leader. TypeScript fan and promoter.
As a front-end dev, he's focused on TypeScript and Angular.
As a back-end dev he prefers C# and ASP.NET or Node.js, but vary of technologies and languages went through his fingers – from Python and Django, through WPF and Silverlight, Visual Basic, PHP etc.
And yes … he loves to talk and share knowledge.
Talks by Michał Michalczuk
Speakers related by area of interest
Jakub Janczyk
Full-Stack Developer at Pragmatists
Full-Stack Developer fascinated about JavaScript and all its' ecosystem. Enthusiastic about Clean Code, Software Craftsmanship and especially ways of testing applications, including TDD and BDD…
Glenn Reyes
Independent Software Engineer
Front-end Engineer. Enjoys building apps and user interfaces with React & GraphQL, creator of Graphpack, co-organizer React Vienna meetups, John Mayer music enthusiast.
Mateusz Bryła
Technical Lead at Cloudinary
A programmer trying to let his creativity run free without limits. Loves to address complicated problems head-on and share knowledge and experiences with others. Privately…
Mateusz Ziarko
Head of Frontend Engineering at VirtusLab
Front-End development One Man Army by origin, currently Head of Frontend Engineering at VirtusLab where he is defining new standards & quality of projects delivery,…