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Bartosz Siwiński
Data Engineer at VirtusLab
Python developer on a continuous quest to learn new technologies. Previously, industrial controllers programmer and a test engineer in embedded. Passionate about Industrial Automation, Data Science and always on the lookout for process efficiencies. In private, family guy and boardgame enthusiast.
Talks by Bartosz Siwiński
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Gideon de Kok
Having built software over the full range of the stack; from embedded systems, telephony systems, to end-user focused applications and data-processing architectures, Gideon learned the…
Tetiana Gural
Consulting Manager at Pegasystems
A dynamic people manager and solution architect, driven by my strong commitment to fostering positive relationships and ensuring customer success. My passion lies in collaborating…
Piotr Kliczewski
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
Piotr Kliczewski – Principal software engineer at Red Hat. He is building virtualization / cloud-based solutions for over a decade. He enjoys speaking about different…
Matthew Opala
Machine Learning Tech Lead at Netguru
Matthew is an entrepreneur, software engineer and machine learning practitioner. He's been working as a machine learning engineer since graduation from AGH University of Science…