All contributors
All contributors

Vladimir Polushin
Open source contributor – Scala
Vladimir has worked on two Google Summer of Code projects, fastparse bytes and stalagmite for better case classes. He is a regular contributor to ENSIME and Scalafix.
Talks by Vladimir Polushin
Speakers related by area of interest

Paweł Marks
Scala Compiler Engineer at Virtuslab
Paweł Marks is Scala Compiler Engineer at Virtuslab, Kraków. He is also the main maintainer of Eclipse Kotlin Plugin and co-organizer of Kraków Kotlin User…

Mikhail Mutcianko
Software Developer at JetBrains
Scala plugin developer and build engineer @ JetBrains

Michał Pałka
Senior Scala Developer at Scala Tooling, VirtusLab
Michał is a Senior Scala Tooling Developer @ VirtusLab with more than 6 years of commercial experience in writing Scala applications. For the last year,…

Luca Ponzanelli
Senior R&D Engineer at CodeLounge
Luca Ponzanelli is a Senior R&D Engineer at CodeLounge, a center for software research & development, part of the Software Institute at Università della Svizzera…