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Your best buddies
October 8, 2019
As programmers we need to effectively reason about the code, maintain it and develop new features.
Each year, systems' codebases are growing and piling new solutions on top of old ones, slowly turning sophisticated codebase into a bowl of spaghetti. Reducing the amount of time needed to understand the system to get the job done is crucial.
Please meet Context Buddy - your new friend at work and a software intelligence platform. Context Buddy is here to make programmers' life easier by providing context about the system making your days more productive.
About the speakers
Krzysztof Romanowski
Head of Dev & Scala Tooling at VirtusLab
Head of Dev & Scala Tooling VirtusLab where he has spent endless hours debugging and fixing Scala IDE, SBT, IntelliJ, and even the Scala compiler itself. For…
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Krzysztof Borowski
Software Engineer at VirtusLab
Krzysiek is a Scala programmer @ Virtuslab. Believes that simplicity is the key to modern software development. Passionate about all technologies and ideas that make…
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