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All contributors

Jakub Janczyk
Full-Stack Developer at Pragmatists
Full-Stack Developer fascinated about JavaScript and all its' ecosystem. Enthusiastic about Clean Code, Software Craftsmanship and especially ways of testing applications, including TDD and BDD techniques. Believes in efficient pair-programming. On a daily basis, tries to follow all the latest trends and tools available.
Talks by Jakub Janczyk
Speakers related by area of interest

Monika Soja
UX/UI Design Lead at VirtusLab
I believe that UX is all about the people and that a great user experience creates a powerful bond between the user and the product.I…

Vanessa Otto (Böhner)
Lead Frontend Developer at Zavvy
Vanessa is a Web Developer. She has an M.Sc in Media Informatics with a focus on Human-Computer-Interaction. Vanessa is the Lead Frontend Developer at Zavvy.…

Alex Lobera
Founder at LeanJS and React GraphQL Academy
Experienced Full-stack developer passionate about JavaScript, React, and GraphQL. Alex has 15 years of experience in the software industry. He is an organizer of the…

Mateusz Bryła
Technical Lead at Cloudinary
A programmer trying to let his creativity run free without limits. Loves to address complicated problems head-on and share knowledge and experiences with others. Privately…