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Jochen Mader
Systems Engineer at Codecentric
Grew up as C64-nerd, got into Basic, C and Assembly. Found the JVM and fell in love. Since then I’ve been constantly wandering through the world of IT, always focusing on highly available distributed systems. Today I am happy to be a part of the nerd herd at codecentric. I spent the past few years working with a bunch of very creative and fun people in Scala-heavy projects using Akka, Vert.x, Spark, … . Oh, and I joined the Vert.x-team in 2017 as maintainer for the Scala-stack. That’s where most of my non-working-coding-time goes.
Talks by Jochen Mader
Speakers related by area of interest

Stefano Bonetti
Software Engineer at HomeAway
Stefano is a Staff Software Engineer working for HomeAway in London, UK. He has been developing large scale backend systems within the cozy boundaries of…

Damien Bailly
Cake Solutions
I am a senior software engineer who enjoys developing new products. I started as a consultant working with HP and Orange on telecommunication systems. I…

Kenny Baas
Software Engineer and Consultant at Xebia
Kenny Baas is a Software Engineer and Consultant focusing on software quality at Xebia. He mentors teams by using practices and techniques from Domain Driven…

Tudor Palanga
Software Consultant at Expedia
Tudor is a Software Consultant based in London with more than 15 years of software development experience. After working for a while as a Java…