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Miron Ficak
Scala Developer at AVSystem
A Scala developer at AVSystem with 4 years of experience in commercial software development.
Miron is a Linkyfi developer, creating data analytics services for stream processing system.
Talks by Miron Ficak
Speakers related by area of interest

Jochen Mader
Systems Engineer at Codecentric
Grew up as C64-nerd, got into Basic, C and Assembly. Found the JVM and fell in love. Since then I’ve been constantly wandering through the…

Konrad Jakubiec
Software Engineer at VirtusLab
Open-minded Software Engineer specializing in designing and building well crafted distributed systems. A charismatic leader of the cross-functional team at VirtusLab. Highly interested in quality…

Jacek Spólnik
Lead Software Engineer in Revolut Poland
Jacek Spólnik joined Revolut in November 2018 and took the position of a lead software engineer in Poland. In Revolut he is responsible for developing…

Jan Pustelnik
Software Engineer at Actyx
Software Engineer at Actyx by day, sporadic Akka and Dotty projects contributor by night. Interested in how software works on low level, he does not…