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Miron Ficak
Scala Developer at AVSystem
A Scala developer at AVSystem with 4 years of experience in commercial software development.
Miron is a Linkyfi developer, creating data analytics services for stream processing system.
Talks by Miron Ficak
Speakers related by area of interest

Konrad Jakubiec
Software Engineer at VirtusLab
Open-minded Software Engineer specializing in designing and building well crafted distributed systems. A charismatic leader of the cross-functional team at VirtusLab. Highly interested in quality…

Oleh Dokuka
Principal Software Developer/Developer Advocate at Netifi
Mainly Java Software Engineer / Consultant focused on distributed systems development adopting ReactiveManifesto and ReactiveProgramming techniques. Open Source geek, the active contributor of ProjectReactor/RSocket/Reactive-GRPC. Along…

Tomasz Nurkiewicz
Spent half of his life on programming, for the last decade professionally in Java land. Loves back-end and data visualization. Passionate about alternative JVM languages.…

Gautier Di Folco
Tech Lead at Linagora
After working 3 years in the embedded and security software development, Gautier now works for Linagora, on Apache James, an Open Source mail server. His…