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Steffen Gebert
Steffen codes at EMnify, a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) running a custom-built mobile core network for the Internet of Things. He is eager about applying continuous delivery to this Akka-based environment and currently paving the road for it. Before joining EMnify in 2017, he was a researcher at the University of Würzburg and received his PhD for his thesis on software-based networks.
Talks by Steffen Gebert
Speakers related by area of interest

Jacek Spólnik
Lead Software Engineer in Revolut Poland
Jacek Spólnik joined Revolut in November 2018 and took the position of a lead software engineer in Poland. In Revolut he is responsible for developing…

Oleh Dokuka
Principal Software Developer/Developer Advocate at Netifi
Mainly Java Software Engineer / Consultant focused on distributed systems development adopting ReactiveManifesto and ReactiveProgramming techniques. Open Source geek, the active contributor of ProjectReactor/RSocket/Reactive-GRPC. Along…

Daniel Jagielski
Software Development Manager in VirtusLab
Daniel is Software Engineer at Virtuslab, currently leading a team building identity management platform. Passionate about best practises in software design for distributed systems. Nowadays,…

Paweł Kamiński
Software Engineer in Platform at Casumo
For the last couple of years, I’ve been working on a real-time bidding platform which introduces many architectural, scale and performance-related problems. Even though I…