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Change your product mindset: MVP → MLP
March 15, 2024
Have you ever thought about products or brands to which you're loyal? Well, here's the thing!
Have you heard about the concept of MVP (Minimum Viable Product)? Probably, yes!
Now, imagine there's a concept called Minimum Loveable Product 💛, which at its core emphasizes love, loyalty, and customer engagement. How do you build a product from scratch that customers will adore and recommend?
We'll share our tips, developed over the years, on how to build a business with an MLP mindset that brings in 💸 5.5 million pln revenue annually at Design Practice.
About the speakers
Paulina Kacprzak
Co-CEO of Design Practice, Customer Experience Consultant
Her background is graphic design and customer experience design. She organized the biggest design conference in Poland - Element Talks gathering over 3000 attendees each…
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Aga Naplocha
Co-CEO of Design Practice, Lead UX Consultant & Coder at Adobe
Aga Naplocha is a co-founder of Design Practice – an initiative publishing online courses 💻 on digital design and gathering community of over 17k creatives (!)…
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